Meet Amy.
This is Amy. In previous posts I have alluded to a business announcement as well as the arrival of a very special person, and I'm finally getting around to addressing both of those things. First of all, Amy is the new studio manager at Comfort Studio, as well as my new associate shooter for weddings. She's a talented photographer, and maybe more importantly, she's taking on the tasks I completely suck at like customer service and sales (I am a closet phone-o-phobe).
Amy is also very special to me for another reason. She is my first cousin, but we grew up together and have a bond much more like sisters. It is so great to finally have her here in Costa Rica, not just for the valuable support she is bringing to the business, but because I love her and she is a great friend. Plus I finally have a workout buddy and we are kicking each other's asses into shape.
Some little known facts about Amy: she just moved here from Maui, she likes long walks on the beach and margaritas at sunset, she's a chronic napper, her favorite curse word is Sanjaya!, and her weapon of choice is the shoe knife. You do not want to run into Amy in a dark alley. Did I mention she is also handling security detail?
General business inquires, inane questions, and kung fu advice can be directed to Amy here. One of these days when I'm not so behind on everything I'll post some of Amy's photos.