Rain, Rain, Go Away
Sorry we haven't updated in awhile. It has been raining a lot so we haven't done anything worth blogging about lately. Other than catching up on the Harry Potter movies, we still don't have anything exciting to share, but we did shoot a few photos yesterday so I thought I would share them. I don't want to jinx it, but we have had three gorgeous days after our week of nonstop downpours and flooding. These were all taken on the short walk from our house to the beach and back.
This was really the first time we got out the 'real' cameras. It may sound weird because we are surrounded by so much beauty, but neither of us has been feeling very inspired lately. Maybe because we're not really nature photographers, and there's nothing here but nature. Not that we don't appreciate it, we do. But anyone can take a pretty picture of a sunset or a flower, while I am always trying to find the things, the details, the moments, that might otherwise go unnoticed.
In other news, I was attacked by fire ants yesterday during our little photo safari and my foot and ankle have completely swelled up. Those little guys are nasty. I barely slept last night because it felt like my ankle was on fire. Brenda, my boxing trainer, told me today to rub it with salt and that helped immensely. Good to know.
And finally, a brief update on Tully...
She is totally thriving here. She has such an active curiosity that is always being met with new experiences, new creatures, new people, and new places. Her vocabulary is exploding with both English and Spanish words, and even a few phrases, such as "All done," "One more," and she even says "Thanks" when it's appropriate. She loves the beach, the waves here are just the right height for her to charge. All in all, she reminds us everyday of why we made this crazy move.