Catherine. Austin Portrait Shoot.

This is my BFF/muse Catherine. She is an amazing artist and an all around great person, and damn sexy too. I am incredibly lucky to know her and be constantly inspired by her. She can make me laugh like no one else, and she is an enormous source of joy in my life. I love her to death. When I was visiting her in Austin recently I shot a couple rolls of 35mm film for portraits that were sexy, edgy, and real. One whole roll got stuck in my camera when I was rewinding it and in the process I popped the back open and exposed the whole damn thing. Oh well. Digital is wonderful in so many ways, but I still love film, even when it causes me stress. Sometimes the best relationships are also the most challenging. So it is with me and film. But the end result is so worth the effort.

California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer California Film Photographer I am also being drawn more and more to shooting portraits of people in their homes and I have more such shoots to share soon. There is something about placing people in the context of their own space that reveals something real about who they are and what they do. I am very excited about the potential of this and am passionate about exploring it more. If you are interested in participating in a portrait shoot in your home or business, click here to contact me and we'll set something up. I travel often, so it's possible I'll be in your area in the near future.